While working with Swellephant, we developed Elevia as a product that constantly protects the skin from insects like mosquitoes by collecting and killing them. Elevia itself combines the words elevate and alleviate, emphasizing the fact that the product will allow the user to reach greater heights outdoors without the inconvenience of constantly reapplying insect repellent. This is done through a device that can be attached to your calf, worn on your wrist, or attached to your backpack. Project in progress.
Tools: Sketchbook, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.
Client: Johnson & Johnson.
Teammates: Justin Goodman, Chris Hammes, and Mara Rudolph.
Initial Logo: Developed in the early phases of the project, the logotype took a much more literal approach to the name, emphasizing the outdoors in both color and the upward motion of the connecting line.
Final Logo: Focusing more on the calming and relieving tone of the product, the revised logo takes a more subtle approach. Through simple half-circles, the logo can welcome multiple interpretations.
Phoenix Design Week 2020Project type
Quantum OneBrand Identity
SwellephantProject type
EleviaProject type
Stash GearBrand Design
Studio Night PosterProject type
Social Media DesignSocial Media